Angélique in Germany
The Angélique series are published in Germany by Blanvalet (hardbacks), RoRoRo (paperback) and Goldman (paperback). Germany is one of the countries where the Angélique series are the most popular: translations and covers also are amongst the best... although showing a Angélique with surprising black hair! My grateful thanks to Doris for completing the collection.
Marquise of the Angels   Angelique, Marquise of the Angels, part 2   Angelique and the King
Angelique and the Sultan   Angelique in Revolt   Angelique in love
The Countess Angelique   The temptation of Angelique   Angelique and the Demon
Angelique and the ghosts   Angelique in Quebec   Angelique, the path to hope
The victory of Angelique
(Germany, page 2)
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